Our Mission/Nuestra Misión
Caring Cowgirl is a (501c3) nonprofit, bilingual program dedicated to broadening access to horses through therapeutic visits, lessons and workshops. Serving the San Francisco Bay Area.
-My Inspiration/Mi Inspiración
My Mother came to this country as an ‘illegal’ immigrant from Jalisco, Mx. She crossed the border, separated from my brother and sister and was later reunited on the other side. Since that night she has built a beautiful and magical life for herself and for us. She is a pillar in her comunidad and is always helping others in any way she can. Her bravery, resilience and caring inspired me to help others through the best way I know how, through our horses and donkey.
What visitors say about Caring Cowgirl
Inés, San Francisco, CA
Desde que conocí a Liz y a las Minis (Shakira & Vanessa) solo saben derramar dulzura. El servicio que nos brinda Cowgirl es estupendo. Son muy puntuales y amigables. Además de ser muy cariñosos con todos los presentes. Los niños de mi programa siempre están encantados tal como yo. Ellos son parte de nuestra comunidad. ¡Y los queremos muchos!
Maggie, Newark, CA
Liz and her mini equines were a huge hit when they came to visit us at ATUM. All our employees and their children enjoyed meeting and learning about Vanessa and Shakira. These minis were great around people. They sure didn't seem to mind strangers petting and brushing them! It was a wonderful treat to have been able to spend an afternoon with Liz and her girls. I hope you guys will be visiting us again soon!
L.C, Half Moon Bay, CA
Thank you so much for the visit yesterday, it was so special to our family. The minis really warmed our hearts and brought us some much needed joy. And your special care and energy that you brought to the day was just perfect, you’re truly a gift to this world.